Red Flags Risk Platform

Red Flags Risk Platform

Avoid Fraud and Save Time While Staying Compliant

Prevent identity fraud using predictive analysis – all while staying completely compliant. Ordered with one of our credit reports, IR’s Red Flags Risk Platform lets you leverage bureau fraud alerts so you fulfill the FACTA Red Flags requirements.


Save your prospective loans by preventing identity fraud with enhanced fraud alerts


Streamline underwriting and focus on legitimate borrowers by getting rid of false positives


Customize your report’s risk scoring to see the details you need right away


Specifically designed solution to help you meet the FACTA Red Flags requirements

Organized Alerts

All alerts are grouped into data-specific sections and then ranked by severity, so you can quickly find the details you need

Quick Assessment

With each borrower rated on a simple 5-level risk scale, quickly identify which accounts are problematic turnaround times than most

Take Action

With “Suggested Actions,” we offer proven risk mitigation procedures specific to each alert in your report

Red Flags Risk

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